Echoes of the Sunday Morning Advocate
This is a tapestry I wove for the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative 16th Annual Foundations Show.
Title: Echoes of the Sunday Morning Advocate
Materials: Defunct American Mill Selvage and Shredded 1800s Newspaper woven between black cotton warp.
Artist Statement:
The relationship between American textile manufacturing and artisan is being shipped overseas. With this tapestry woven with my last American-made gold selvage I can only wonder: am I weaving the end of America's golden textile age?
Within the death of American making is the birth of artificial intelligence - writing everything from children's books to poetry and research papers. Language is the warp in the tapestry of human history. Will our children, after only following our foolish example in devaluing making, exchange our birthright of writing for the ease of artificial intelligence?
As we deprive ourselves of making and writing, it is no wonder why our hearts are so broken.
My hope is that you will find the music and words woven within this tapestry, and find comfort in the truth that some things will never pass away.